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What You Should Know About Tape-In Hair Extensions?

Hair extensions can help you add color or highlights to your hair without dyeing your natural hair. You can get balayage hairstyles by buying hair extensions of the color you like. However, if you don’t desire to color, hair extensions let you add volume to your hair.

When choosing hair extensions, you will come across various types like clip-ins, sew-ins, and tape-ins. Let’s know everything about tape-in hair extensions.

What Are Tape-In Hair Extensions

Tape-in extensions are wefts that have medical-grade glue on the roots. This enables you to easily and safely attach them to your hair. The removal process is also simple where you need to use a hair extension tape remover.

You can find tape-in hair extensions in different weft sizes, lengths, and colors. Many women consider tape-in hair extensions better than clip-in hair extensions and sew-in extensions because the extensions don’t feel heavy on the hair and the installation process is still quick and easy.

Benefits Of Tape-In Hair Extensions

  • Don’t damage the scalp and hair, typically
  • Tape-in extensions are reusable
  • Comfortable on hair without feeling heavy
  • Appear more natural than other types of hair extensions
  • Best for thin hair, however, they are great for most other hair types as well.

Disadvantages Of Tape-In Hair Extensions

  • Require maintenance if you want to use them for weeks
  • Even when you maintain tape-in hair extensions, they will last for at most a year
  • If not properly installed, the wefts can slip through hair

Installing Tape-In Hair Extensions

Select The Right Length

As tape-in hair extensions can be found in various lengths, you should go with the length of your hair so you don’t need trimming.

Wash Your Hair

Tape-in hair extensions are glued to hair with the tape on one end so the tape will work better if the hair is clean and devoid of any product or dust buildup. Use a clarifying shampoo because other shampoos can leave a residue that can get in the way between the glue and the hair. Moreover, if you want to condition your hair, only do the tips.

Keep in mind that we are washing hair for making sure that the glue sticks well to the hair so don’t apply any products to the hair after washing like gel, hair sprays, oils, or anything else.

Dry And Comb Hair

The glue of the tape-in hair extensions won’t stick properly on wet hair so after washing, drying is the next step. Air drying is better but if you don’t have time, blow-dry your hair. Moreover, comb your hair so that there are no tangles that may make the installation process of extensions difficult.

Some people hastily blow-dry hair and apply tape-in hair extensions that slip down the hair because the wet scalp introduces moisture that weakens the bond between the hair and the tape.

Attach The Wefts Temporarily To The Hair

People who are putting in tape-ins or hair extensions in general for the first time should not skip this step. You should know what the end result will look like.

So, before gluing the extensions, use hair pins to put the extensions on temporarily to see how they look. You will be able to determine how many wefts will give the volume you want.


Now we’re getting into the juicy part. From an inch above the nape of your neck, section your hair horizontally making sure the line is even. Put hair clips on the remaining strands.

Moreover, make sure you never section your hair in a way that wefts are applied onto or close to the hairline because the extensions can become visible.

Now, from the open hair section, take a thin section of the hair. The strand should be very thin and should be the size of the wefts you’re using. You will be sandwiching the hair strand between two wefts.

To make sure the strand you’re taking is thin, feel your fingers holding the strand. If the fingers can feel one another even though the strand is between them, then you’re doing good.

Plus, to make sure you choose the correct size every time, use a tape measurer to measure the section you have taken.

You can glue in the first two wefts now. Take the bottom extension, remove the tape covering, and apply it to the bottom of the hair strand. Then, apply the top extension to the top of the strand.

If you notice that the extensions are not sticking, it means the sectioning is incorrect and you have taken more hair than required.

Once you have applied the first pair of tape-in wefts, all you need to do is repeat the process to complete the row of extensions. Usually, women do well with 5 rows of hair extensions but the actual number depends on the head size and personal preferences.

How Long Can You Leave In Tape-In Extensions?

Once you have applied tape-in hair extensions and like the look of your hair, you would want to keep it for long. So, you should know how long you can keep your hair looking like this. Well, you can leave in the tape-in extensions for about two months straight given that they were installed correctly and you care for them well.

However, after two months, you will need to refit them yourself or by a hairstylist because the growth of hair will move the glued part of the hair extensions lower and they become more visible than before and can also get in the way during combing. It can damage the hair if someone is not careful during combing.

Can You Reuse Tape-In Hair Extensions?

Even when you have flaunted long hair for 2 months with tape-in hair extensions, you would like to keep the hair extensions. The good news is that you can reuse your tape-in hair extensions up to three times.

So, if you leave them for two months and can reuse them thrice, then tape-in hair extensions can last for six months. Keep in mind that some tape-in can even be reused four times.

Tape-In Hair Extensions Aftercare

Wait For 48 Hours Before Washing Your Hair

Some people say that you can’t wash your hair if you have tape-in hair extensions. This is not true. You only need to wait 48 hours for the glue to become dry, then you’re free to wash your hair.

Wash Your Hair Regularly

Oil buildup on hair can damage the glue that is sticking the wefts onto your hair so you should avoid using oils or products that contain oil. Moreover, your scalp produces natural oil as well. To remove it, you should shampoo your hair regularly (every day or once every two days).

The right choice of shampoo is critical as well. Avoid shampoos that contain silicone, oil, sulfate, or parabens.

Brush Your Hair

Tangles are not good for tape-in hair extensions. So, brush your hair regularly to avoid tangles. It’s suggested to do it at least twice every day.

Sleep With Dry Hair

Never sleep with wet hair if you have tape-in hair extensions installed. This is because wet hair will become tangled and increase the risk of the wefts slipping out. Therefore, blow-dry your hair before sleeping.


Tape-in hair extensions are light, reusable, comfortable, and appear natural. The above information was to ensure that you know the basics about tape-in before stepping into a hair extensions salon Rockville. This will help you decide on the correct type of hair extension you want.

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