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Tips on Hair Straightening Techniques

hair straightening

It is always the contrast that one would want his hair to look like to what they have naturally. For instance a girl born with a straight hair would want to do anything to get her hair curled up. We just get bored of the type of hair they have and always get persuaded to go for the contrast type of it. Similarly anyone with curly hair would go all in to get it straightened and flat. It is human nature to not be satisfied with what you have, generally you like what others have and wish you had them too. And that’s when hair straightening comes to rescue!

The process of hair straightening

The process of hair straightening usually takes place in a salon. But it can be easily achieved at home too. This process might seem simple and easy, but if performed without any prior experience you might end up damaging your hair all over. There are a lot of chemical solutions available for the process of hair straightening, women usually prefer to apply small portions of these solutions over their curls and they comb over these solutions in order to remove all the perms and curls.

Process of ironing

These days we have fancy straighteners which women use every day to remove all the curls, but before the existence of all these straighteners women used an actual iron plate which they place over their curls to flatten and straighten them. But the disadvantage of this process is that you need an extra hand to help you out to iron the curls and avoid to fry your hair by yourself.

Flat irons are always the best preferred to remove the curls over your head. They are very cheap and user friendly. Almost anyone can use them to straighten their hair. But these are for temporary purposes, if you want a permanent straight hair; it is better you go to the salon and consult a professional stylist.

It is always advisable to avoid chemical solutions to be applied over your hair to remove curls because they might cause a lot of side effects. It may sound fancy to carry out techniques like Brazilian blowouts to your hair, but they need a lot of care even after performing the blowout. If going for hair straightening, always choose a well reputed hair salon.

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