L'or Salon
(301) 977-4247


How to Maintain your Hair after Japanese Hair Straightening

Japanese Hair Straightening

Japanese Hair Straightening is one of the most popular hair straightening treatment available. The hair is straightened using a combination of chemicals and heat. This treatment provides permanent hair straightening solution. The Japanese hair straightening chemicals change the structure of hair permanently. The end result of this treatment is sleek hair that you have always dreamed for.

Japanese hair straightening after care

After getting Japanese straightening treatment, your hair demands very less effort to get a complete straight look. But that does not mean you should not pay attention over hair care. Once hair has been straightened it needs special maintenance to prevent hair from getting dry and brittle from hair straightening chemicals.

The first 4 days after receiving a hair straightening treatment is very important. During this time, you should not wet your hair in any manner. For that, you will have to totally avoid shampooing, swimming, rain and even sweat. Also, avoid using any hair product, which means no gel, hair spray, wax and the like. The hair should be kept straight as much as possible.  You should not tuck your hair behind ears or make a pony tail. The use of hair accessories (clips, rubber band, headband etc.) must be strictly avoided. In case your hair gets bent or wet, you should blow dry and flatiron the affected area immediately to prevent the treatment.

How to Take Care of Japanese Straightened Hair?

Chemically straightened hair needs special maintenance and care.  You should follow the instructions of your hairstylist and carefully protect your newly straightened hair. Take sneak peek over below mentioned tips to preserve the beauty of your hair straightening treatment:

Use mild shampoo and conditioner: It is important to use mild shampoo and conditioner for washing chemically straightened hair. Strong chemicals present in shampoos can make hair dry and thin. Use mild shampoos made for chemically straightened hair.

Be careful while coloring your hair: It is highly recommended to color your hair before getting Japanese Hair Straightening. The hair straightening chemicals might interfere with hair coloring chemicals, and you will not get the desired look.

Use good quality hair products: If you want to keep the thermal reconditioning results, use only good quality hair product.

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