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Common Scalp Problems and Ways to Treat Them

Fusion hair extensions

Finding yourself constantly scratching your scalp all day? It might be due to scalp issues. Even having hair treatments such as a Brazilian keratin straightening can trigger scalp issues if you have one. Human hair extensions and clip in hair extensions can also cause allergic reactions for some users as well.

Having scalp problems can affect your hair care routines. For one thing, we also need to pay attention to our hair health. Thankfully, there are already a lot of hair treatments specially made for hair and scalp problems. Still, it is better to be aware of the common scalp problems a lot of people encounter.

Common hair and scalp issues

In the case of hair and scalp problems, you should consult a doctor immediately. Also, make sure to ask a hair salon personnel first before using any products on your hair and scalp. Some hair products can cause adverse effects on one’s hair and scalp. Some of the most common hair and scalp problems include the following.


It is said that psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes the skin’s top layer to develop a scaly rash. It usually appears on the scalp and other parts of the body. However, doctors say psoriasis on the scalp is the most difficult to treat.


This refers to the inflammation of the hair follicles due to several things. It can be an aftereffect of a bacterial infection, irritation due to shaving or hair products, and sweating. It looks like little bumps similar to acne and scattered throughout the scalp area.

Seborrheic dermatitis

This is another common type of hair and scalp problem. Like psoriasis, it also causes scaling and patching especially on the scalp. It also causes dandruff in adults and cradle cap in babies. Experts say it is caused by a fungus called Malassezia, but it can also be triggered by stress and weather changes.

Hair loss

Also known as alopecia, it can cause embarrassment to those who have it. Alopecia can be due to certain medications, harsh hair products, hormonal changes, and genetics.

Other reasons on hair and scalp problems

Aside from the abovementioned conditions, here are other factors that can contribute to hair and scalp issues.


Malnourished people experience weight loss, hair loss, and other health problems. It refers to a nutrient and vitamin deficiency that can impact bodily functions.

Hair products

There are a lot of hair products that contain harsh ingredients and cause adverse effects on hair and scalp. For example, clip in hair extensions can cause allergic reactions to some users. If you are planning for a hair color correction, make sure to ask your hair color correction specialist what you should expect during the procedure.

Hair lice

A hair louse is about the same size as a sesame seed. Its eggs and the lice can also be visible in the naked eye. Hair lice bites can also cause allergic reactions and scalp itching.

Ways to treat hair and scalp problems

It can be a challenge to deal with hair and scalp problems. For one, you need to check hair products and see if it will work for you. At the same time, it won’t cause adverse effects on your hair and scalp.

Getting a keratin treatment by a hairstylist is a good idea, but make sure to know what kind of products they will use on you. Aside from that, you can also do the following if you experience the abovementioned hair and scalp issues.

  • Shampoo your hair every other day. However, it depends on your daily physical activity. Nonetheless, you should check the ingredients before buying any hair products.
  • You can use oral or topical treatments to help alleviate the impact of the symptoms. Consult a doctor so you will know what kind of medications to buy for your hair and scalp problems.
  • Take note of your daily diet, too. Make sure to eat a healthy diet full of vitamins and minerals for better-looking hair and overall health, too.
  • Avoid using hair styling tools and products every day. Let your hair loose and go au naturel from time to time.

Final words

Living with any hair and scalp issues can make one’s hair care routine a challenge. It can leave you scratching your head, literally. The abovementioned tips will help manage your hair and scalp issues if you have one. For hassle-free hair salon appointments, make sure to visit only trusted hair salons in Rockville MD.

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