L'or Salon
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Best ways to apply a hair relaxer

hair relaxers and permsPerms or chemical relaxers might have damaging effects if done in an incorrect way. Hair breakage and dryness often plague permed hair and this makes it important to limit the frequency of perming. But for hair straightening, many women use descent hair relaxers and perms. There are several methods used by hair straightening salons and hair relaxers help to permanently alter the hair structure by breaking the sulfide bonds of hair. Although, hair relaxers and perms are safe but make sure to follow important hair care tips before, after and during perms. There are two main types of relaxers including curling and straightening perms. Straightening perms are known as relaxers as they help to relax the curly pattern. The main ingredient of relaxers is sodium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide.

Get a Good Perm

Before getting perm, explore the treatment and choose the best relaxer out of lye and no-lye relaxer. Lye relaxers are gentle and less drying. On the other hand, no-lye relaxers are gentle on the scalp. Females with sensitive scalps are advised to use no-lye relaxers while females with normal scalps should prefer lye relaxers. It is always advised to have professional perm from hair salons.

Prevent Hair Dryness

Coarse hair have tendency to be dry as they lack natural oil. Perms make them further dry and more prone to hair breakage and roughness. The use of 2 to 3 tbsp. of olive oil in relaxer prevents dryness while relaxing any type of hair. After washing relaxer, make sure to use a conditioner.

Prevent Hair Damage

Relaxers are consists of harsh chemicals and might damage hair, scalp and skin if not used properly. The best way to stay away from damage is by using prerelaxer treatments or basing oils. The use of basing oil gives protection to the skin and scalp as oil acts as an obstruction between the scalp and skin and the chemicals present in the relaxer. Prerelaxer treatments also condition hair and prevent hair damage.

Maintain Perms

After applying a hair relaxer, new hair will grow within weeks in natural texture. Try to maintain the new look with hair color and highlights. Relaxers can be applied safety to new hair growth after every eight to twelve weeks but make sure that it affects the extra hair growth. Perming hair before eight weeks weakens the strength of the hair.The adequate care and maintainence gives an option to try latest haircut and styles.

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