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Can I Do Japanese Hair Straightening At Home?

Japanese hair straightening treatment is a highly effective method of dealing with frizzy, unruly hair. However, since the process involves the breaking down of hair bonds, many people prefer having the process in a reputable Japanese hair-straightening salon to avoid damaging their hair and even their skin.

As you can tell, having the hair straightened costs money, so what if you can’t afford to visit a salon?

Can I do Japanese hair straightening at home? If you are asking this question, you should know that yes, it’s possible to have the process at home, but you need to follow the right procedure:

Prepare the hair for the treatment.

Everything begins here. Before you perform the treatment, ensure that your hair is in the best possible condition. As a rule of thumb, ensure that you haven’t done any chemical treatment such as perm and coloring to the hair.

To ensure that the hair looks spectacular, apply a conditioning hair mask a few weeks before the treatment.

Gather the requirements

The last thing you want is to stop the process in the middle because you have forgotten a certain product. To ensure this doesn’t happen, have everything you need before you begin the hair straightening.

Some of the things you need for the work include:

Japanese hair straightening treatment kit: You can buy this kit online or from your local store. The formula comes in three strengths: Mild, Normal, and strong. It’s up to you to choose the most appropriate for you.

Clarifying shampoo: Any good shampoo will get the work done.

Ionic blow dryer: The best blow dryer for the work is the ionic hair dryer that effectively reduces frizziness.

Ceramic coated straightener: This helps keep the hair as straight as possible after the treatment.

Thin plastic comb: The combs work best at separating the hair during treatment.

Deep conditioner: You need to apply the deep conditioner after applying the treatment to keep the hair straight and healthy.

A friend: If you have a lot of hair to straighten all of it by yourself, consider having a friend to help with the application.

Shampoo the hair

Once everything you have in place, start with shampooing the hair using a clarifying shampoo, then rinse the hair thoroughly.

If you have sensitive skin, the activator might cause some redness or full-blown rash, so take care when making the application and ensure you don’t apply it on your scalp and hairline lining.

Apply the activator

It’s with the activator where the magic happens. Before you apply the product to your entire hair, apply it to a small area of your hair, then wait for the solution to sit. From the time it takes to get your hair done, you will know how long to wait before removing the activator from the hair.

In most cases, it takes between 10 minutes and 1 hour to get your hair ready, and the length of time depends on the hair thickness.

Once you know the approximate time to have the activator on your hair, you should now proceed to apply it to the entire of your head.

Rinse the hair

Once the time has lapsed, thoroughly rinse the product off your head and dry the hair with a towel. When rinsing, take care not to scrub or pull on the hair, as it’s prone to breakage.

Dry the hair and apply a neutralizer

After drying the hair, chances are the towel won’t remove all the moisture. To do it, stylists working in permanent hair straightening salon Rockville recommend you dry the hair using a blow dryer and flat iron. After drying the hair, apply a neutralizer to balance the hair pH.

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