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Can Ayurveda Make Your Hair Better and Stronger Hair?

Nothing is more stressful and saddening than experiencing hair fall. Men are more prone to balding, but women are more at risk of hair fall regardless of age. For one thing, losing a couple of hair strands a day is a normal thing. But if your hair sheds in clumps, then it should be something to worry about.

That is why we need to take care of our hair. There are a lot of reasons why some people experience excessive hair fall. You can seek hair care advice from hair professionals in your favorite hair salons. The good news is that you can lessen or prevent hair fall without spending on expensive hair products.

Understanding hair fall

More often than not, you have already experienced hair fall. As mentioned, losing hair strands a day is normal – around 50 to 100. Old hair sheds to make way to new hair growth. But when you see clumps of hair on the shower drain after every bath, it can be a cause of alarm.

It is also a normal reaction for us to be conscious of our hair. No wonder a lot of people, especially women, go to hair straightening salons for a sleeker and straighter hair. Others would visit a hair extensions salon to add volume and length to their hair. Or try out trendy Balayage hairstyles for a change.

Hair fall can be due to several reasons, including stress and lack of nutrition. Those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, and are in their menopausal years are also prone to hair fall. To determine what causes your hair fall, you need to determine what the root cause is. Once determined, you will be advised to adjust your diet, use anti-hair loss products, taking supplements, or even undergoing a hair transplant.

Can Ayurveda help in lessening hair fall?

For starters. Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine originated in India about 3,000 years ago. It is based on the concept of having the mind, body, and spiritual balance, and aimed to ensure good health.

Ayurveda also believes that the human body is composed of three major doshas, or life forces: Vata dosha, Pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha. Ayurvedic medicine can help in determining health problems and be able to address it.

This involves detoxification to “cleanse” the body from any impurities that are causing the health problem, including the possible root causes of hair fall. Among popular Ayurvedic treatments include the use of herbs, massages, and laxatives.

However, the FDA does not approve of the use of Ayurvedic medicine. It is said that some Ayurvedic medicine includes arsenic, mercury, and lead, that are harmful to health. So before trying any alternative medical treatments, seek advice from doctors first.

Proven effective ways to get rid of hair fall

Some people are advocating Ayurvedic medicine in treating their health concerns, including hair fall. However, others may also have their doubts when it comes to this traditional medicine. If you’re not sure, there are always other alternatives to address your health issues.

First of all, it starts with you – from your diet down to the products you use. Planning to have your hair rebonded in a Japanese hair straightening salon soon? Or go to hair salons specializing in color for a professional hair dye job? You can ask the hair salon personnel the products’ ingredients and their possible side effects.

However, hair fall is not only because of using the wrong hair care products. Your diet and lifestyle have also got something to do with it. Not only we should look good on the outside but more importantly, healthier on the inside.

Take iron, zinc, protein, and Vitamin D to lessen hair fall. Eating the right foods is also important for healthier hair. This includes spinach, eggs, and sunflower, flax, and pumpkin seeds. Have enough sleep and stay away from toxic and stressful situations as much as possible.


Some people swear on Ayurvedic medicine when it comes to addressing hair fall. Most of the products used on Ayurveda comes from traditional and organic herbs and ingredients. Still, you need to do your research first before trying out new treatments even if it has been around for hundreds of years.

It should be all-out when it comes to hair care. For your hair care needs, you can schedule a keratin treatment by a hairstylist in Rockville MD.

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