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Why Drastic Hair Cuts are So Common After a Breakup – and Why It’s Not a Bad Thing After All

There is somewhat a truth to that famous quote: “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life”. For a lot of women, cutting their hair drastically is the last thing that comes to their mind.

“I’ve waited for years to make my hair long. I can style it any way I want, and I feel more beautiful with my long hair. Just to cut it short later on? No way!” But then, a lot of women end up cutting their long locks way shorter than they ever had in their entire life. For a change, they say.

Women pay a lot of attention to their hair. Some put human hair extensions to add volume and style to their hair. Others go to hair straightening salons for frizz-free and more manageable hair. Some women like having Balayage hair highlights to add color and character to their long hair.

Have you ever been dumped?

One of the worst things that can happen to a woman is to get dumped when they least expect it. Just when you think things are okay between you and your (now) ex-boyfriend, he suddenly texts you that it’s over. Who would not be infuriated to get dumped over the phone? Unfortunately, this has already happened to a lot of ladies out there – and it’s heartbreaking, to say the least.

A lot of women must have undergone this situation at least once in their lives. As mentioned, it surely is heartbreaking, frustrating, and even confusing. “Why did this happen? Is it my fault? Did I really deserve this?” These questions would come into mind as to why your relationship ended up this way.

We know the feels, and it can be debilitating in your daily life. But girl, remember that everything in this world is temporary, and so is your heartbreak. You’ll get over it soon – not now, but one of these days.

But for some women, this is an opportunity to make a change. This is the time where they can have the chance to take care of themselves. Something that is a sign of moving on and being a better (and more beautiful) version of yourself. Perhaps you can start by having a hair cut in any professional hair salons out there.

A life-changing hairstyle change

Apparently, there is a scientific explanation of why a lot of women choose to chop off their hair or dye their hair in the boldest colors possible. According to an expert, our hair defines who we are and is a way to express ourselves as a person. A change in color or hairstyle can feel weird and liberating at the same time – as if you are a whole new person.

That same feeling also applies after a nasty breakup. The so-called “breakup cut” is a powerful statement, especially for heartbroken ladies. It is a life-changing way to cope up with your emotions and can even help you move on with the bad past. Cutting your hair is like cutting that person who dumped you out of your life for good.

However, make sure to think about whether to go with the drastic hairstyle change. Once you go for it, there’s no going back. Unless it’s okay for you to wait for your hair to grow back and your hair color fade. Then again, change is good especially if it does look better on you.

Look good, feel better

All women have different breakup stories. They also have different ways to cope with their heartbreaks. Getting a drastic hair change is one of the most common ways of moving on.

Go ahead: sport bangs, color your hair pink, cut your hair a pixie-style cut. Who knows, your new hairstyle might look better than what you had before. Have a keratin treatment by a hairstylist and give your hair the TLC it deserves. Try balayage hairstyles and unleash your inner mermaid.

Love yourself first

Aside from pampering your hair, there are other ways you can do to feel better after a breakup.

  • Go out with your girls and enjoy their company. Grab a coffee somewhere, go clubbing, or go out-of-town.
  • If you prefer to be alone for a while, go travel solo. Book a flight or go somewhere you have never been to but wanted to visit for the longest time.
  • Visit a spa and invigorate your mind and body. You should also visit a Brazilian blowout salon in Rockville MD for a total hair makeover. Now is the time to make a change!

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