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What You Need to Know about Dandruff, And What It Tells You about Your Hair Health

Taking care of your hair not only should be about using popular shampoo brands and using fancy hair care products. Rather, you should also pay attention to your scalp, too. One of the most common scalp issues that affect a lot of people all over the world is dandruff. It is known as the presence of flakes and is often itchy.

Dandruff should not be something to be ignored. It can be due to several reasons such as the use of harsh hair products. In some cases, there are people who experience dandruff due to certain hair treatments such as Brazilian keratin straightening. That is why you should consult the experts in professional hair salons before getting a keratin treatment by a hairstylist.

All about dandruff

Dandruff refers to a scalp condition that causes flakes that seem to fall off your shoulders and scalp itching. Dandruff is considered a mild form of a condition called seborrheic dermatitis. While it is not really a serious case, it can be embarrassing when seen by other people. For example, dandruff flakes can be easily seen when you scratch or shake your head and then fall off your dark-colored clothes.

This condition can be treated although it can be a little difficult and would require some time and the right products to use. Having dandruff is not really related to one’s personal hygiene. However, proper hair care is encouraged to avoid dandruff. Among common causes of dandruff is due to oily skin, lack of shampooing, dry skin, and existing skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis.

Young adults are more prone to having dandruff, although it can occur to all ages. Likewise, those with conditions that affect one’s nervous system such as Parkinson’s disease as well as a weakened immune system can increase the risk of having dandruff. Also, studies show that males are also more prone to dandruff than females.

Having a keratin treatment by a hairstylist is also great for better-looking hair. However, make sure to check the product ingredients first before using it to avoid irritation and other hair-related problems. This should also be done before visiting a hair color correction hair salon to avoid dandruff and other hair-related issues.

What does it mean to have dandruff?

There are many reasons why people experience dandruff. It may have already been mentioned above, but here are other reasons why this happen.

Dry skin

Studies reveal that those with dry skin are at higher risk of having dandruff. Those with dry skin tend to develop smaller flakes, but there might still be an occurrence of itching.

Existing medical conditions

Certain medical conditions can put individuals at higher risk of having dandruff. This includes skin conditions such as eczema, ringworm, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis. Also, people with weakened immune systems and neurological conditions can also be at high risk of dandruff.

Lack of proper diet

Those who do not have a good eating habit rich in vitamins, good fats, and zinc can also put one at risk of having dandruff.

Hair and skincare products

There are certain hair and skincare products that may contain harsh ingredients that may cause dandruff. This is also the case when you tend to shampoo your hair frequently as it can cause scalp irritation.

Deal with dandruff with these tips

As mentioned, dandruff is treatable but may take some time. You will also have to use the right hair and skin care products to manage the condition. Here are some tips to lessen the impact of dandruff.

Learn to relax.

Stress is also a major cause of dandruff for some people as it can possibly weaken your immune system. Take a relaxing walk in a park or near the beach, or do yoga. Either way, learn to manage your stress.

Do not scratch your scalp.

As tempting as it seems, try your best not to scratch your scalp. It will only worsen the irritation that can make your scalp condition worse. Try lessening the products you use on your hair such as sprays and gels.

Keep your hair moisturized.

There are hair products that can help add moisture to your hair, such as coconut oil. It has antibacterial and moisturizing properties that can lessen the occurrence of dandruff.

Take care of your scalp

More importantly, you need to use the right hair products specially made to treat dandruff. If you are not sure what to use, you can consult your doctor for the best recommendations out there. You can also visit a keratin treatment salon to help bring back life to your hair.

Just as how we take care of our hair, we need to take care of our scalp as well. Before visiting a Brazilian keratin salon in Rockville, make sure to consult an expert first so you can make the most out of hair products.

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