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Reasons Why Your Hair is Breaking Off

Hair breakage is devastating, and most women will do anything to stop their hair from breaking. Poor hair regimen is the main cause of hair breakage. In this article, we tell you what is causing your hair to break. It’s important that if you notice excessive hair damage that you visit the hair salons and let the hair stylist assess your hair and help you come up with a regimen to prevent hair breakage.

Reason Why Your Hair Is Breaking

Lack of Moisture

When the hair is optimally hydrated the hair shaft is strong and will not break easily. If the hair is dry that will make it brittle and prone to breakage. There are many reasons why your hair may become dry and brittle leading to damage.

  • Wrong Shampoo and conditioners

Using shampoo and conditioners that contain sulfates will cause your hair to dry. After the Japanese hair straightening treatment ensure that you invest in right shampoo and conditioners and that will help your hair remain hydrated. The hair stylist at the Japanese hair straightening salon will advise you on the best shampoo and conditioner for your hair.

Too much shampoo on your hair may also lead to dryness. Depending on the hairstyle ask the hair stylist how often you should shampoo your hair. After permanent hair straightening too much shampoo will dry your hair.

  • Too much Heat styling

Heat styling will make your hair lose moisture and make it weaker. Too much heat styling will make your hair to prone to damage. During permanent hair straightening its important to use the right temperature and also use a heat protector before using heat styling tools on your hair.

  • Blow drying your hair when it’s wet

When hair is wet it tends to be weaker because the hair cuticles are open. When you blow-dry wet hair your hair becomes dry and brittle. Your hair will lose moisture quickly. If you want to dry your hair, air dry the hair instead of using heat on it.

Too many Chemicals

Another major cause of hair breakage is too many chemicals. When applying hair colour and highlight on your hair, too much of the colour chemicals will cause damage and lead to breakage. Too much chemical during the hair straightening treatment will lead to dry and damaged hair. It’s therefore important that before you apply any chemical on your hair you visit the hair straightening salon or the hair salon specializing in colour and let the stylist assess your hair. The hairs stylist will check whether the hair is healthy enough to withstand exposure to chemicals. Failure to assess the state of your hair will lead to dry and damaged hair.

Tight Hair Styles

Tight hairstyles will lead to hair breakage. If the human hair extensions are weaved too tightly that will lead to hair breakage and eventual damage. Make sure the hairstyle you choose is applied too tightly because that will weaken your hair and lead to damage.

Poor Application and removal of Hair Extensions.

Before application of hair extension, the hair stylist needs to assess the state of your hair and advise you on the best hair extension for your hair. Some extensions methods are ideal for thick hair while other methods are ideal for thin hair. Using the wrong hair extension method will cause strain on your hair leading to breakage.

Yanking off hair extensions from your hair will break your natural hair. Make sure you follow the right procedure while removing fusion bonded hair extensions. Make sure you gently remove clip in hair extensions to avoid pulling and breaking your hair. While removing permanent hair extensions its best to have them removed at the hair extensions salon because the hairstylist will be able to remove the extension gently and that will prevent your hair from breaking off.

Poor Hair Maintenance Practises

It’s imperative that you develop the right regimen for your hairstyle. If you are wearing human hair extension, make sure you follow the right regimen. A tangled hair extension will damage your natural hair as you comb it. Its therefore important you ensure that you brush you’re the extension regularly. After the hair straightening treatment makes you take care of your hair and ensure it remains hydrated.

Other Causes of Hair Breakage

  • Sleeping on cotton pillowcase will cause friction with your hair and that lead to breakage. Make sure that you get a satin pillowcase to protect your hair from damage
  • Towel drying your hair will lead to tangling and breaking
  • Over washing your hair will strip the hair of natural oils and eventually lead to dryness and breakage.
  • Failure to trim your hair when it has split ends will eventually cause your hair to break
  • Staying for too long with a hairstyle such as hair extension. Staying for prolonged periods with extensions will cause your hair to break.
  • Failure to eat a balanced diet.

A simple hair regimen will ensure that your hair remains healthy. The expert at the hair extensions salon Rockville or hair straightening salon will advise you on how best to take care of your hair to prevent damage. Make sure you follow the care instruction given and you can prevent your hair from falling.

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