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Hair Care Tips to Follow After Permanent Hair Straightening

The Straight hair look has been trending for a long time, and it’s not going away any time soon. Permanent hair straightening will give your hair a smooth, silky and luscious look. It’s however important to ensure that you take care of the hair after the straightening to prevent hair damage. After hair straightening, your hair is more susceptible to damage, and it’s crucial to take care of it. You need to have a regimen that will work for your hair. The hair stylist at the hair salons will guide you on how best to take care of your hair. In this article, we give you tips to help you manage your permanently straightened hair.

How do Chemicals in the Permanent Hair Straightening Treatment affect the Hair

Treatment such as Japanese hair straightening break your hair bonds and make the hair straight. The chemicals change the texture of your hair and make it smooth, shiny and frizz free. It’s imperative to ensure that a professional applies the treatment at the Japanese hair straightening salon who understands your hair type.

Tips to Follow After Permanently Straightened Hair

  • Avoid excessive use of Heating styling

During the Japanese hair straightening process, the hair stylist uses heat. It’s therefore important to ensure that after the permanent hair straightening that you minimize use heat styling tools. Using too much heat on your hair will make it dry, and that will cause your hair to break off. Avoid using hot water on your hair because that will make your hair dry. If you must use heat to style your hair let the expert hair stylist at the permanent hair straightening salon apply the heat. The stylist can control the amount of heat to use on your hair. Using too much heat on your hair strips moisture off your hair making it dry, brittle and breaking your hair.

  • Condition your Hair Often

After the hair straightening your hair losses a lot of moisture. You need a good regimen to ensure that you keep your hair is hydrated after the permanent straightening. Shampooing the hair often will strip your hair of natural oils, and it’s therefore important to reduce the number of time you wash your hair. Condition the hair to keep your hydrated and shiny. Make sure that the products you use to condition and shampoo work on your hair. Consult the expert at the Japanese hair straightening salon on the best products for your hair.

  • Protect your Hair from Harsh UV Rays

Harsh UV rays will damage your chemically treated hair, and it’s therefore important to ensure that you protect your hair. You can use a hat when the sun is hot

  • Trim your Hair Often

Straightened hair is prone to split ends. Trimming your hair often will ensure that your hair doesn’t have split ends. It’s best to visit the hair straightening salon and let the stylist trim your hair. Trim your hair after six weeks, and that will protect your hair from spli t ends.

  • Use the right Products

After hair straightening, you need to use products that are meant for straightened hair. It’s best to consult the hair stylist on the best products for your hair. Make sure that the products you use don’t strip your hair of moisture. Use the right conditioner for y our hair.

  • Brush your Hair Often

You need to ensure that your hair doesn’t tangle. Invest in the right brush for your hair. Brush the hair often to prevent tangling. When combing your hair make sure you use a wide toothed comb to keep your hair from breaking and ensure it’s tangle free. Brushing your hair will prevent your hair from tangling which can cause your hair to break as you untangle it.

  • Put Hair Coloring Plans on Hold

After hair straightening wait for some time before Coloring your hair. Color contains chemicals that could lead to hair damage. It’s best to wait for some weeks before you can color the hair.

Hair straightening will make your hair more manageable. It’s however important to ensure that you follow the right care procedure to prevent hair straightening side effects. Invest in the right hair products for your hair. Visit the hair straightening salon Rockville often and let the hair stylist assess your hair.

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