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Natural Ways to Straighten Hair

Women long to have hair that is soft, silky, and manageable. However, everyone’s hair can also be prone to bad hair days. For your regular hair fix, you can go to your nearby professional hair salon.

Some choose to embrace their natural curls and have hair care treatments in a professional keratin treatment salon. On the other hand, some prefer going to hair permanent hair straightening salons to have their hair straightened. Regardless of your choice, it is important to choose a salon that will take care of your locks.

Most hair treatments promise to make your hair more manageable and healthy. However, frequent hair styling such as permanent straightening can do more harm than good. On one hand, you can proceed with chemically-treating your hair but be mindful of its consequences. On the other hand, you can try natural ways to straighten your hair.

Homemade hair straighteners

Japanese hair straightening salons and other professional salons promise instant results. However, hair straightening treatments can be quite heavy on the budget depending on the salon and brand used. In addition, permanent straightening can also take a toll on your hair when done incorrectly.

Meanwhile, there are different natural alternatives to straighten your hair, although it would take longer to achieve the desired results. Nevertheless, it would guarantee to make your hair healthier without spending too much. Here are some natural hair straightening alternatives you can try.

Coconut and lemon juice

This concoction promises to straighten hair and give your scalp a boost of Vitamin C. Mix ¼ cup of coconut milk and 1 tbsp. of lemon juice and refrigerate overnight. Apply the mixture on hair first thing in the morning and massage it from scalp to tips. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes and then wash it off with cold water and sulfate-free shampoo. Do the procedure at least once a week.

Natural hot oil

Castor oil lessens hair frizz and keeps your hair soft and healthy. Mix 1 tbsp. coconut and castor oils. Heat the mixture for a few seconds until slightly warm. Apply the mixture onto hair and scalp, massaging it for a good 15 minutes. Let it sit for about 30 minutes after massaging. Wash with cold water and sulfate-free shampoo. Do the procedure at least twice a week.

Olive oil and eggs

Eggs contain protein that helps smoothen and moisturize hair. Olive oil helps condition hair and make it more manageable. Combine two whole eggs and 3 tbsp. olive oil. Whisk and apply to hair. Leave it for about an hour and then wash with cold water and sulfate-free shampoo. Do the procedure at least once a week.

Milk and honey

Milk helps in nourishing hair, while honey serves as an emollient and seals the moisture in the hair. Mix ¼ cup milk and 2 tbsp. honey and apply on hair. Leave it for about 2 hours and then wash with cold water and shampoo. Do the procedure at least once a week.

Caring for straightened hair

It is easy to maintain straight hair. But if it is chemically-straightened, you should take extra care of it. Here are some tips to care for hair straightened in hair straightening salons.

  • For medium-to-thick hair, use shampoo and conditioner every other day or thrice a week. If you have dyed hair, use shampoo for color-treated hair.
  • For fine/thin hair, shampoo your hair daily as it tends to get oily. Use volumizing shampoos. Apply conditioner at the hair ends instead.
  • For chemically-straightened hair, condition hair more often than shampoo it.
  • Choose sulfate-free or paraben-free shampoo and conditioner.

Hair straightening tools vs. chemical hair straightening treatments

If you don’t want to go to Japanese hair straightening salons or put food on your hair, you can use a flat iron or other hair styling tools instead.

On the upside, it is easy and simple to use. It can also help straighten and style hair in an instant. Some hair straighteners are also made from materials that can protect your hair from heat damage.

However, you have to dry your hair first before using it. Otherwise, using it while your hair is dry can do damage on your hair. Plus, it is only a temporary fix – your ‘do will be ruined when you get sweaty or got wet.

On the other hand, chemically-straightening hair can promise instant results. It can save you time from styling your hair – wash your hair, dry it a little bit, and you are good to go. However, the process can take more than three houses and can do damage to your hair if done incorrectly.

Finding trustworthy hair professionals near you

Trust only the best hair straightening salons in Rockville MD and avail their top-notch services. Contact one today and avail free consultation for the best treatment for your hair.

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