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Foods to Eat for a Healthy and Longer Hair


Wrecked hair causes a lot of women so much misery and money. Other opt to wear human hair extensions to hide the damage as they work on hair regrowth. It’s therefore paramount to find the secrets to healthy hair and follow them religiously. Healthy hair is a combination of both a healthy diet and a good regimen. Although some people have good hair, its necessary to continually ensure you take care of your hair. Following a diet will ensure your hair is healthy and has the right texture.

Foods that Improve the Health of Your Hair


Biotin contributes to healthy hair as it provides the necessary ingredient for hair growth. Biotin which is also as Vitamin B7 is found in foods such as eggs and nuts and improves the keratin structure of your hair. Lack of Biotin will result in hair thinning and changing color.


Iron is crucial as it provides the hair with oxygen and it’s therefore essential to ensure your diet has irons. Foods such as red meat, spinach, beetroot, apples, soybeans, broccoli are an excellent source of Irons. Low levels of Iron supply result in hair follicles that are nutrients deficient inhibiting hair growth and eventual hair loss.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is crucial in the production of collagen that assists in making the hair shafts strong and enhances fast growth. Source of vitamin C include papaya, sweet potatoes, broccoli, strawberries, and guava.

Vitamin E

The vitamin helps in building and repair of hair tissue .it also plays a crucial role in protecting the hair against damage that may be caused by the sun. Foods rich in Vitamin E include avocado, olive oil, sunflower, and spinach.

Omega 3 Fatty acids

Taking a lot of Omega 3 fatty acids will ensure that your scalp and hair remains hydrated. Omega 3 Fatty acids are found in oily fish, salmon, trout, pumpkin seeds and walnuts are among the foods that will keep your hair hydrated.

Vitamin A

Our bodies produce sebum which acts as a conditioner and Vitamin A Assists in its production. Sebum is an oily substance which conditions the hair. Therefore, it’s paramount to eat foods such as carrots, sweet potatoes, Vegetables, pumpkin seeds and apricots

Hair Problems and What Foods to Eat to Sort out the Hair Issue

Brittle Hair

If your hair is brittle, you have got to eat vegetables which have Vitamin A, iron which ensure your hair has moisture.

Excessive Breakage

Foods that are rich in Vitamin C such as guavas that will ease the unwanted breakage

Dull Hair

If your hair to shine more, catch some salmon as they are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which keeps your hair shiny.

Stunted Hair

Looking to get a fuller and longer hair, then foods rich in Vitamin B and B5 such as eggs and yogurt ought to be in your diet.

Make a deliberate effort to eat healthily and your mane will happily increase in length and will be fuller. So ladies let’s eat our way to long, healthy hair. Couple a healthy diet and proper hair care practices and say goodbye to hair problems. Visit the best hair salon regularly and seek advice on products to use and best hair care practices.

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